Write your response to the following scenario and questions based on all of the


Write your response to the following scenario and questions based on all of the relevant connections to natural systems; In places like Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. and Banff National Park in Canada there is a conserved and mostly thriving ecosystem due the the park status. Vegetation is abundant and has generally higher richness than other surrounding unprotected tracts of land. Elk are abundant and feed and the variety of grasses, forbs, and shrubs, and wolves are also abundant since they feed on elk and other consumers. Considering this simple food chain, consider aspects of energy flow and species interactions in these parks. 1) First, select two nutrients important to the organisms in this system and describe how they may cycle from abiotic (non-living) components to these organisms. What is the importance of these nutrients or elements in these organisms? 2) Second, describe the relative population sizes (use terms like most, fewer, least and not actual numbers) of the organisms in this food chain and justify your response based on energy flow. 3) Third – you’ll need to apply your knowledge of species and ecosystems to form an hypothesis for the following situation. Recently, a number of wolves have died because they were shot when they ventured off protected park property – leading to a smaller wolf population. Over a couple of years the elk population grew. However, now many of the elk are very thin, some are dying of starvation, and many females are unable to reproduce. Hypothesize a reason for this observation that addresses: i) impacts from the wolk-elk interaction, ii) impacts related to nutrient availability or cycling, and iii) impacts related to food availability in this food chain. I have attached my notes from the class.


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