Use the company and topic approved from Milestone 1 for this assignment. Mile


Use the company and topic approved from Milestone 1 for this assignment. Milestone 2 begins the development of the PowerPoint Digital Strategy presentation.  This section should consist of approximately 5-7 slides and cover the following material:
Analysis of the problem: Brief summary of what the problem is and why it has occurred.  What the overall business problem is that the company needs to build a digital marketing strategy to solve or improve that problem
Target Market: Overview of the target market or markets.  What comprises this customer segment? What are their demographics? What other characteristics of the customer segment is considered?  Why is this the target market needs to be mentioned.  What type of online community does this target market belong to and why?
Digital Marketing Tools: Provide a brief overview of what digital marketing tools and techniques would be the focus of this strategy.  Between social media, website marketing, SEO, email marketing etc, briefly identify what the types of methods will be used and a brief statement why each one makes the most sense to use in this strategy for the target market?
Each slide should have minimum 4-5 speaker notes at the bottom. References and sources should be properly cited where needed. 
Any PowerPoint template and font type is fine. The slides however need to be executive presentation format. The final presentation is due in week 9. This project is iterative in the sense that I expect your work to apply and make changes based on any feedback I have provided in previous milestone assignments. 


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