Your Methods Draft is due [Insert date]. Below, you will find the expectations a


Your Methods Draft is due [Insert date]. Below, you will find the expectations and grading rubric for your draft. The Methods Draft should include the following: Participants Section: target population, recruitment methods, inclusion/exclusion criteria Materials Section: descriptions for each measure and material used to conduct proposed study Procedure Section: list of steps occurring from recruitment to compensation/debrief
List of references containing references for all measures and materials when applicable
Be sure to revisit the materials posted on Canvas for help in writing this draft.
General Grading Rubric
Content (25 points)
Participants (5 points):Clearly defines the target population for the study and provides sufficient criteria for participant selection.
Justifies the sample size as adequate for drawing meaningful conclusions.
Describes any relevant inclusion/exclusion criteria and potential confounding variables.
Materials (10 points):Provides a complete and accurate list of all materials used in the study, including instruments, equipment, and software.
Describes any modifications or customizations made to existing materials.
Includes relevant information about reliability and validity of any measurement tools.
Procedure (10 points):Presents a clear and detailed description of the research steps, including data collection, manipulation, and analysis.
Ensures chronological order and logical flow of procedures.
Provides specific and operationalizable instructions for replicating the study.
Style and Clarity (10 points)
Conciseness and Accuracy (5 points):Information is presented concisely and avoids unnecessary details or redundancy.
Technical terms are clearly defined and used appropriately.
Flow and Organization (5 points):Transitions between sections are smooth and logical.
Information is presented in a way that is easy to follow and understand.
Citations and Grammar (5 points)
Appropriate Citations (3 points):Accurately cites all sources used in the methods section, including materials,instruments, and procedures.
Adheres to the required APA 7 citation style consistently.
Grammar and Mechanics (2 points):Methods section is free of grammatical errors, typos, and punctuation mistakes.
Sentences are grammatically correct and well-constructed.
Note: The focus of this draft is content, not formatting. Although it will benefit you to try to write using APA formatting, you are not required to format in APA beyond your citations.
I uploaded my method outline


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