I need the solution for all questions in both excel and pdfSome students uploade


I need the solution for all questions in both excel and pdfSome students uploaded either an Excel sheet or the PDF report. We do “not” grade based on Excel file or PDF report only. Please submit formal step-by-step solutions in a single PDF, in addition to the Excel file. Calrifcation of ptoblem 2
Problem 2
Consider two strata of same length and same soil formation that lie between two channels. The first stratum is confined, and the second one is unconfined lying over the confined stratum, and the water surface elevations in the channels are 24 m and 16 m above the bottom of the unconfined aquifer. What should be the thickness of the confined aquifer for which
(1) the discharge through both strata are equal?
(2) the discharge through the confined aquifer is half of that through the unconfined aquifer
The problem was originally taken the book of Larry Mays. My clarification here should help you solve the problem without much difficulty.


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