Each student will upload their final inquiry assignment.   Provide an approxi


Each student will upload their final inquiry assignment.  
Provide an approximately 10-12 page (excluding references and tables/figures) critical review of your topic.  Your job is to integrate each of the components to date into a comprehensive, critical review. This will include your topic summary/literature review as well as potential resources for a practitioner of the topic. Your assignment should contain:
APA Style Cover Page
Introduction of your paper – explain the purpose of your paper, the value/benefits/importance of examining this topic and corresponding tool, and put forth a thesis statement about the topic. (1-2 paragraphs)
Topic Summary/Literature Review – produce a final draft of your literature review/summary of the topic (be sure to paraphrase and appropriately cite your sources) taking into consideration all feedback (4-5 pages). 
Discussion and Justification of Selected Tools – discuss the one tool you selected using the following headings/subheadings:
Tool Name & description (about 1-2 pages).
Focus – concerns, relationships, insights, and studies regarding the tool. Be sure to paraphrase most writing and, when appropriate, strategically use direct quotes as you appropriately cite all sources in APA format. There must be at least 3, but ideally 4 or more references.
How to use the tool
When to use the tool
Conclusion – brief summary of findings that includes a discussion on the alignment of your findings from the literature review and your toolbox.  For example, did the scholarly articles within your literature review align with the “pop” and/or scholarly sources you referenced in your toolbox?  Also, include a discussion of how a practitioner using the tool might further inform/advance the research of the topic.  For example, are there any research questions you have as a result of understanding the tool? (about 1 page)
Reflection – professional and personal discoveries or takeaways, including how the concepts and tools of your research relate to your current experiences and future experiences. Second, discuss the process of researching and writing and how you utilized AI in the paper (if at all). Where did it help, where did it go wrong, and what are some ethical considerations for future use (about 1-2 pages)?
Reference Page – The paper should follow APA style and formatting, including a list of all references, proper APA formatting, etc.
**The final paper should incorporate feedback (e.g., AI generated, faculty, peer, writing center) and will be measured on how feedback was incorporated.  Final papers will also be measured regarding progress from the first draft to the final draft of the paper.  


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