Building capacity to promote improvement. (NELP 4.2, 7.3) Propose the design


Building capacity to promote improvement. (NELP 4.2, 7.3) Propose the design and implementation of strategies for improving the impact of practices that support student learning by designing a comprehensive professional development program to address the identified area/s of concern (NELP 4.2). As an instructional leader of your school, consider the recommendations you wrote in part 2 and the teachers’ and students’ needs to engage your faculty leaders in co-designing with you a professional growth plan to increase the capacity of school staff. Identify and describe the faculty who would co-lead the implementation of the plan with you (NELP 7.3). Ensure that the plan reflects national professional development standards (standards for professional learningLinks to an external site.) and change theory. The plan should promote reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success (NELP 7.3). Explain your rationale for the plan in supporting equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems (NELP 4.2). To work collaboratively with school staff to improve teaching and learning, the design should identify the professional development method adopted, how you will get “buy in” from the teachers; how teachers will meet – how often; how will you monitor and support the professional learning? Describe possible obstacles that could arise and how you will address them. In part 4 also include links to sites where teachers can find technology tools for instruction and assessment on the topics identified as area/s of concern.  Here is an outline for Assignment Part 4. Download outline for Assignment Part 4. 
Here is an example of assignment part 4.  Please read the comments I wrote in the document. Download Here is an example of assignment part 4.  Please read the comments I wrote in the document. 
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