Word documents only (Microsoft Word) –No other formats will be accepted(no PDFs,


Word documents only (Microsoft Word) –No other formats will be accepted(no PDFs, no Google
Docs/Sharepoint links, etc).
• Three pages minimum, double-spaced, APA format(template provided). Title page and reference page do
not count towards page requirement. By three pages, I mean three full, complete pages (top to
bottom) written with the requested formatting.
• Times New Roman 12-pointfont, 1-inchmargins, aligned left, paragraph format (no bullet points, lists, etc).
• APA style citations (in-text and reference page) are required. Everything must be cited and written in
your own words. NO DIRECT QUOTES.
• Use at least three outside sources (i.e., not class materials).
Your paper must include the following information:
1. Discussion on the history and discovery of the disorder (when was it added to the DSM, first
person to describe the disorder, name/criteria changes, etc.)
2. Symptoms of the disorder
3. Causes of the disorder (biological factors, cultural/environmental factors, etc.)
4. Treatment options
5. Common comorbid disorders
6. Prevalence rate (number of people diagnosed with the disorder)
7. Other relevant research/statistics you find – sex differences, experimental treatments,
interesting links between the disorder and other factors, etc.
Be specific when discussing symptoms, causes, and treatment. Do not just list these things –
explain/describe them in detail and provide examples


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