nstructions: You have been provided with one conference topic throughout the ter


You have been provided with one conference topic throughout the term (see below). You are expected to read about the assigned topic in the textbook and/or unit summaries to formulate an initial response and post your responses in the conference. You will be given a two-week period in which to discuss this topic, during the 1st week you must make your Original Initial opinion post, and during the 2nd week you must provide at least two responses to other’s comments (please see schedule provided in the outline for specific due dates).
After going through each and every reading in detail these are readings which are below I have provided pdf
write an original post of 250-300 words that conveys your thoughts about the following question:
Discussion Question : Is inclusion an effective educational model? When might inclusion be most effective and when might it be less effective? What challenges does inclusion present? What are the alternatives to inclusion? What are some of the pros/cons of approaches other than inclusion? Be sure to include specific examples of what you learned in this unit that supports your opinion. Each discussion topic is designed to give you an opportunity to engage with the course material in a critical way. The discussion topics allow you the opportunity to think critically about the concepts and educational issues that are part of the course content. Each discussion will assess your ability to integrate the information gained from the course, formulate and express your own opinion, and engage in a discussion with other students in the course. Preparing and engaging in each discussion will help you to identify and explain the major concepts, theories, and ideologies covered in the course. The information covered in the discussion questions will also help you prepare for the individual paper assignment and the final exam.
You will find your discussion group under the Tools tab (select Groups).  You have been randomly assigned a discussion and you will be in that discussion group for the remainder of the semester.  You are expected to make your posts using only the discussion board within the course.
The discussion topics run every two weeks and require you to post an initial opinion post during the first week where you discuss your opinion on the issue, relate your opinion to course material and provide something new to the discussion.  In order to add something new you need to include at least one source from outside the course.  This can be a journal article, book, website or anything you find that is related to the topic.  It does not have to be a peer reviewed source and can be someone else’s opinion or thoughts that you found online or in another resource.  In the second week you need to make two replies to others posts.  The reply posts do not have specific requirements, but are instead intended to be an opportunity for you to think about what others opinions and to provide a thoughtful reply. 
The discussion topics are formulated as a series of questions on a controversial issue that is described in the unit summaries for the week the discussion starts. You do not need to answer all of the individual questions listed for each topic, but instead use the questions to guide your thinking as you formulate your opinion and write your post. There are no length requirements for the discussion posts, and the marking key is purposely not particularly specific. The objective is for you to be able to discuss your opinions freely.
There are specific due dates for each post so be sure to check the outline carefully for these dates.  If you post late you will automatically receive zero for that post.  There are no extensions provided as we need posts to be submitted on time in order for the discussion to move along.  If you are ill or have compassionate reasons for missing a post you can email me directly and we will discuss options. 
In this course, our discussions are what we describe as ‘asynchronous’; that is, students discuss an assigned question, exchanging ideas related to this question at varying points each week. A key benefit of asynchronous online discussions is- Is inclusion an effective educational model? When might inclusion be most effective and when might it be less effective? What challenges does inclusion present? What are the alternatives to inclusion? What are some of the pros/cons of approaches other than inclusion? Be sure to include specific examples of what you learned in this unit that supports your opinion. The purpose of the discussion forums is to have students engage with course material and then demonstrate their understanding of course materials by expressing/explaining an idea, responding to other group members’ ideas, and/or developing a thread of ideas together as a group. In this way, students learn from the instructor, the course materials, and each other. It further provides students with ongoing opportunities to review, reflect upon, and apply new knowledge such as concepts, theories, or research findings. This will help when students are working on their two major writing assignments for this course which also requires knowledge of and engagement with course materials.There will be diverse perspectives and that is o.k. However, all students must strive to be constructive and considerate if they disagree with any of their group members. It is okay to challenge and disagree with each other but only if it is done in a respectful manner.Note: There is no single ‘right answer’ and the approach you describe need not reflect all of the tactics! The goal here is to generate discussion and share ideas about how best to engage in challenging conversations about climate change.After you have made your original post, read some of the posts from your classmates and construct one reply post of 100-150 words that responds to one of your group-mate’s original posts. Your reply post should be written such that it does one or more of: identifies something that you find especially interesting or insightful about your classmate’s original post; poses an engaging and relevant question and/or builds on the ideas from your classmate’s original post; raises a real-life experience or observation that you feel would be relevant to illustrate or help further develop an idea or point in your classmate’s original post.Please note that you will need to make an original post before you can read and respond to your peers’ postswrite in 260 words. follow proper guidelines as given in beginning. Use AP7 STYLE OWL PURDE. Provide reference.(INTEXT CITATAION SHOULD MATCH WITH REFERENCES)
Write in on own words.¨Some points to keep in mind:Be clear and to the point in your postings.
Edit your work. Your posts should be coherent and use proper grammar and spelling.
Keep postings to 250-300 words. Quality is better than quantity.
Contribute your own thoughts about the material you have read.
Support your thoughts by referencing the video and docx provided and other outside literature.
Raise additional questions or points of discussion to stimulate further discussion
If you have questions, show that you have already tried to find a solution.
Respect the viewpoints of your peers. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand a point. Assume good intentions.
Use the proper terminology introduced in the course readings.
When using literature in your postings, make sure to provide references in proper APA Style.
Show respect and sensitivity to peers’ gender, cultural and linguistic background, political, and religious beliefs.
You are strongly encouraged to take the time to review the following documents on writing quality discussion posting and on taking roles in discussions.
PREPARING TO WRITE1. Read assigned material—critically—and take notes as you read: Who wrote this material (a respected expert? an activist with a specific aim or belief?) Do they have any possible biases? Are studies reliable and valid? (What kind of research was performed?) When was this material written? Are the definitions/conditions/opinions described still accur vant? ate/rele Is an opinion expressed? How might someone disagree? How does this material relate to other concepts and theories you are studying? (Remember, instructors choose readings with a plan in mind—try to imagine why they have assigned this reading) Does the article complement other things you have learned? Is it in opposition? 2. Read and understand the discussion question or topic provided by your instructor • What are you asked to do? (Formulate an opinion? Respond to a question? Explain a concept or theory?) • How are you asked to do this? What kind of information are you expected to include (e.g., supporting quotations or references, examples, etc.) Do you need to bring in outside research? 3. Sort out the finer details • Is there a word maximum? Minimum? (Most posts will be 1‐2 paragraphs maximum). • How many times are you expected to post? (Find out if you are required to post a certain number of times per question, per week, etc.) • How much of your grade is this component worth? Each post? Budget your time accordingly Are you expected to respond to other students’ posts? What proportion of original posts versus responses are you asked to provide? INITIAL POSTS – An initial post is a response to the original question presented by the course instructor, or the opening post on a particular topic (i.e., not responding to other students’ posts). Consider each post a “mini‐thesis,” in which you state a position and provide support for it. If you are responding to a question, be sure to 1. Take a position: Provide a clear answer to the question (incorporate some of the wording of the question in your answer if possible). 2. Offer a reasoned argument: Provide an explanation for your point of view, and use evidence from your text, notes, or outside research (where appropriate) to support your point. 3. Stay focused: End with a summary comment to explain the connection between your evidence and the question (how your evidence proves your point). Your post might also introduce a question or idea that others can follow up on. But make sure you have answered the question first!
Discussion Grading Rubric:
Discusssion Marking Rubric.
A+ Discussion Post A+
4 marks: ExcellentThe post is accurate, original, relevant, teaches us something new, and is well written.
The post is clearly based on course material but offers something extra and stimulate additional thought about the issue under discussion.
The post includes information and a reference from the course material and from a source outside of the course material. This very very impoirtant suggesstion given by mam which have to follow.
Make sure that you have the right authors in your citation and include a reference external to course material.” This just means that I didn’t see an external source included in the post .
Some more instruction:
Original Initial Post(8-10 points) Length guidelines met.
writing is clear and engaging; approach clearly described, including tactics it would reflect.approach connected to/rationalized in terms of QUESTION : Is inclusion an effective educational model? When might inclusion be most effective and when might it be less effective? What challenges does inclusion present? What are the alternatives to inclusion? What are some of the pros/cons of approaches other than inclusion? Be sure to include specific examples of what you learned in this unit that supports your opinion. It should contain no spelling errors and typos
READINGS which have to be used
Resources and link which has to be used are five pdf which have to be analsyed and use proeprly.
NO OTHER SOURCE HAS TO BE USED ONLY these readings has to be used .
No outsource has to be used.
First you have go through these readings and
Readings are as follows:
I have attached the pdf in order reading1 AND reading 2 pdf.
Reading 1 and reading 2, and reading 3 pdf you haveto read and analyse so see it very carefully and all three readings has to be used. Additionally, reading-1, and reading 2, reading 3 are very very important all three reading are very very important you have to use especially .
Reading -1 is book reading reading -2 is unit-4 reading which also have to be used.and reaidng-3 is Frontiers in Education. Elementary school teachers’ perceptions of the characteristics of twice-exceptional students.pdf . And then use one source only out of course material means you have to use one external source which you have find and first you have to use these readings which i have provided after that use one outsource first use have to use these reading which i have provided as these these has to be used first and then find one out source and use that also. only one out source should be used.
Reading which i have are very important all three reading.
No any other outside source has to be used.
very very important instructions.
please start reading instructions mam
and guidelines and you have to answer to this i am proving the grading rubrics everythong write in own words no AI AND CHATGPT AS MAM HAS THE SOFTAWARE TO DETECT.EACH AND EVERY LINE and each and every word.I Have also attached the grading rubric photo which is in form of image grading rubric is very much important you have to follow each and every instruction very carefully.
only these sources which i have provided you have to use.
I have also attached the grading rubric photo each and everyr instruction has to be followed very carefully.


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