Please provide answers

Please provide answers in complete sentences. Answers that include only Yes, No, or just a dollar amount will not receive credit. Accounting for General Capital Assets and Capital Projects 1. Explain how capital assets are reported in the Government-wide Statement of Net Position 2. Are non-depreciable capital assets reported on a separate line from depreciable capital assets, or are they separately reported in the notes to the financial statement? Explain. 3. Do the ACFR notes to the basic financial statements include capital asset disclosures, such as those for the City of Denver shown in Illus. 5-2? Explain. 4. Are these disclosures presented separately for the capital assets of governmental activities, business-type activities, and discretely presented component units? 5. What were the beginning balance, addition, deletion and ending balance capital assets amounts for governmental activities? 6. What were the beginning balance, addition, deletion and ending balance capital assets amounts for business activities? 7. What was the total amount of depreciation expense charged to the functions of primary government? 8. Is the accumulated cost of construction work in progress recorded as an asset anywhere?
9. How are capital assets for internal service funds reported in the Government-wide statements?
10. How are accounting polices disclosed for assets acquired under capital lease?


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