Problem Statement & Literature Review ○ Purpose: Provide a first draft of the r


Problem Statement & Literature Review ○ Purpose: Provide a first draft of the research problem that draws on the results to the literature review to describe key theoretical, empirical, and methodological perspective that will inform the project ○ Format: Address the following questions using the bolded text as headings ■ Research problem– what topic has your group decided to study and what specific problem will be investigated? ■ Practical justification – what is the practical business or economic problem that your project will address and why is it important? ■ Theoretical justification – What is the current state of knowledge (in brief terms) on your topic? What is known and what is not yet known? ■ Conceptual model – How would you present the problem graphically to describe how the various ideas/concepts are connected to one another (causally or otherwise)? ■ Methodological insights – what examples and/or guidance on how data will be collected and analyzed did you derive from the literature review? ■ Work plan – What are the next steps that will be taken to deepen your knowledge of the research topic? ■ References- APA style


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