Students are required to complete a 15-20 page paper on Anderson’s (1999) book e


Students are required to complete a 15-20 page paper on Anderson’s (1999) book entitled Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City published by W.W. Norton and Company. Requirements
Introductory paragraph—every paper needs an introduction. In this paragraph you should introduce the purpose of the paper (i.e., state your topic and theories under consideration) and provide the reader with an overview of the paper (i.e., a roadmap).
Summarize the key issues in the text—students may choose to summarize the text by selecting important issues in each chapter while others may choose to summarize key themes that appear throughout the text. The idea is for me to know that you read the entire book & that you understand the important points. Keep this section of your paper brief (no more than 50% of the paper). This will seem difficult, so I suggest that you begin early and revise often.
Critically discuss two criminological theories & pick the theory you prefer—students should select two criminological theories to explain behaviors discussed in the Code of the Street.
Each theory should be thoroughly summarized (e.g., all concepts, propositions, etc.) and followed by an example(s) from the Anderson’s text.
Do not merely insert an example into your discussion….you must also EXPLAIN why this is a good example for your selected theory.
The occasional use of short quotations to demonstrate a point is fine but do not overuse quotations to fill up your paper.
At the end of the paper, you should critically discuss which of your two selected theories offers the best explanation for the behaviors discussed in the Anderson’s book.
The critical discussion section of the paper should comprise at least 50% of the paper.
Concluding paragraph—do not abruptly end your paper once you complete the minimum number of pages. Your conclusion should quickly review the major points highlighted in the paper and leave the reader with closure.
Appropriate references—you should support your discussion with citations (e.g., course readings, academic journals, books, internet resources, etc.).
APA format is mandatory.
The format of the paper should: (1) be double-spaced; (2) use Times Roman 12 point black font; (3) have page numbers; (4) use proper grammar; (5) have a title page; (6) have an introduction and conclusion; (7) have proper in text citations (i.e., Shelley, 2008); (8) have a reference page; (9) have 1-inch margins; and (10) consist of at least 15-20 pages of text.
A paper that deviates from these format requirements will receive a lower grade.
Generative AI and Large Language Models AI tools are NOT part of the learning experience in this course and students will NOT use AI tools for class preparation, assignments, exams. Use of AI for course activities will be treated as an act of academic dishonesty. You are graduate students learning to become independent scholars and subject matter experts. Independent scholars/experts learn how to retain, synthesize, and utilize information on their own rather than relying on AI as a crutch. Use of AI will be treated in the same manner as plagiarism (see below) and will result in a failing grade on the assignment and possible failure in the course entirely.


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