Instructions Start you short paper This assignment is based on the week four r


Start you short paper
This assignment is based on the week four reading, Chapter 19 in Meyer’s Everything Economic Book, and on a summary of an article by Richard E. Rice called “Biodiversity Conservation, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.” As the assignment directions explain, you may also use and cite additional materials.
Use the two attached Word documents to get started. Please download them and read them both carefully you will return to this assignment submission tool to turn in your work.
Attachments Overview
Assignment directions and details:  Econ 103 Benefits and Costs of Economic Growth.docx
Summary of Rice’s “Biodiversity Conservation, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.”: Cons Econ Growth & Sust Dev_Smry.docx.
PMAttachmentsCons Econ Growth & Sust Dev_Smry.docx (291.07 KB)Econ 103 Benefits and Costs of Economic Growth…. (19.47 KB)Download All Files
 The instructions for the short paper are a little loose.  Which is great!  I want you to think about concepts you found interesting, find current events, and apply them to your life.  Please aim for strong economic analysis–bringing in some of the factors we discussed and how they place in the economy.  Aim for at least a page and a half and grab your references. 
All resources are attach
Important info
follow the attach Rubric


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