Read the attached chapter from Discovering the American Past: “Homogenizing a Pl


Read the attached chapter from Discovering the American Past: “Homogenizing a Pluralistic Nation: Propaganda During World War I.” The chapter will provide you with background about the U.S. government’s efforts to mobilize the American population for the Great War, give you a set of questions to consider, provide a collection of propaganda pieces (the primary source evidence), and guide you through the process of considering the evidence. After reading the chapter, develop an answer to the question, “How did the government attempt to mobilize the opinions of a diverse American public in support of a united war effort?”
For your assignment, you will turn in a one-paragraph typed statement of your answer to that question as well as 3-4 single-spaced pages of your typed notes on the key pieces of evidence from the Evidence section of the chapter that provides evidence of your answer. You should use your own words to summarize the main ideas that support your answer; for particular key points you may quote short phrases from the primary source evidence using quotation marks and indicating the document title of the quote. This assignment is not a paper or essay; you may use bullet points to present your notes. But the reader of your notes should still be able to follow your ideas. I will walk you through some ideas for organizing your claims and supporting evidence.
The key is that you want to show what evidence from the primary source section of the chapter supports the conclusion that you reached about how the government attempted to mobilize public opinion in favor of World War I.
Your assignment will be graded on the following criteria:
Does the paragraph statement present an answer to the question that fits with the historical evidence? Does the notes portion of the assignment contain evidence that proves the answer?
Is all the relevant evidence considered in the notes?
Do the notes indicate comprehension and analysis of main ideas from the readings?
Remember: notes should capture main ideas and key points – you do not need to re-write the chapter!…


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