Assessment 9 Remember your BMI calculator from last week? This time we want to u


Assessment 9
Remember your BMI calculator from last week? This time we want to use a few more and post your results as the example shows below.
First, use the calorie calculator here:
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Now the body fat calculator:
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Finally, the ideal weight calculator:
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Calorie Calculator
The results show a number of daily calorie estimates that can be used as a guideline for how many calories to consume each day to maintain, lose, or gain weight at a chosen rate.
Maintain weight
Mild weight loss
0.5 lb/week
2,609 91%Calories/day
Weight loss
1 lb/week
2,359 83%Calories/day
Extreme weight loss
2 lb/week
1,859 65%Calories/day
Body Fat: 26.7%
Body Fat (U.S. Navy Method)26.7%
Body Fat CategoryObese
Body Fat Mass63.0 lbs
Lean Body Mass173.0 lbs
Ideal Body Fat for Given Age
(Jackson & Pollard)17.4%
Body Fat to Lose to Reach Ideal22.0 lbs
Body Fat (BMI method)34.7%
The ideal weight based on popular formulas:
FormulaIdeal Weight
Robinson (1983)156.5 lbs
Miller (1983)155.0 lbs
Devine (1974)160.9 lbs
Hamwi (1964)165.3 lbs
Healthy BMI Range128.9 – 174.2 lb
Assessment 10
Go to:
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Take the quiz and submit your Overall Score. An example is provided below. I did this by copying and pasting the Overall Score Summary.
OverallNeeds Work (31 out of 73)
Your total Australian Recommended Food Score is low. Try these tips to boost your score:
Each week, try to have a variety of foods from each of the food groups of vegetables; fruit; lean meats/chicken/fish; plant-based sources of protein such as nuts/lentils/beans; wholegrains; low or reduced fat dairy products
Pick out one food group each week and add some new food items from it to your weekly shopping list
Look to see where you can add newer foods into your meals and snacks
Work out ways to swap big serves of individual foods for smaller serves of a variety of foods


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