For this assignment, you are going to interpret an MMPI profile. First watch the


For this assignment, you are going to interpret an MMPI profile. First watch the short presentation in the files(this will be broken into two parts) the MMPI and refer to Chapter 4 of Comer, R. J., & Comer, J. S. (2021). Abnormal Psychology. Macmillan Higher Education. for greater details on what each clinical scale represents.
If you are having trouble or are unable to access the textbook you may use outside sources, please only use peer-reviewed sources and cite and reference properly.
The MMPI profile will be in the files. The T-Scores will also be provided in a photo in the files, in case they are difficult to see in the profile. T-scores over 65 are 1 and 1/2 standard deviations above the mean and are considered elevated.
Client Background: The client is a 53 year old, married, White woman. She was admitted to the hospital after waking up two days ago and not being able to use her left leg. She stated she tried getting up when she woke up and fell out of her bed. She looked at her leg and it seemed like it was not her leg and that she could not get it to do what she wanted.
She stated she also has a history of early childhood trauma, but never really experienced depression, anxiety, or PTSD symptoms. She was also admitted to the hospital in her early 20’s after a bout of random seizures. They seemed to have stopped after a few weeks and her doctors at the time where never able to identify the source of the seizures or explain why they stopped. Lastly, when I asked about notable history, she reported she had no memories from the 3rd-5th grade.
To earn credit for this assignment you must:
1) First interpret the validity scales, in context of the clinical scales. Do you think the MMPI profile is valid or not? Why or why not?
2) Regardless of whether you think the profile is valid, interpret the clinical scales and describe how the person is likely to present if you were seeing them as a client. What scales really stand out and what may be the symptoms they exhibit for the scales that are elevated? This response should be at least 4-5 sentences in length. Hint** In addition to looking at individual scales, what might the picture be when you look at all the scales wholistically?
3) Have fun and see if you can figure out what diagnosis/es this person may have. For this response, list one or more possible diagnoses. You just have to list something to earn credit for this part
Please reach out if you have any questions.


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