In order to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and/or interventions designed to improve
public health – the public health professional must have the ability to conduct research and/or
understand how valid research is conducted. Though public health research need not necessarily
be complicated the research process is essentially the same for any research.
This research assignment is comprised of four individual assignment submissions: Introduction;
Methods; Results; Final Submission.
Complete the following steps:
Compose a research project based on the data and analyses of SPSS data file Research Project
Report Data.sav.
Use the Research Project: Introduction Example as a guide with regard to appearance and
overall structure.
The project should address the following research questions:
Question #1: Is there a significant relationship between age and daily prayer time?
Question #2: Do males and females daily prayer times differ significantly?
Use the table below as a guide for selecting the appropriate statistical test to address the research
Apply the tests to the ResearchReportData.sav. Remember to provide justification for your
decision to use either a parametric or non-parametric test.
Test What is tested
Number of
t-test Differences 2 Parametric
Mann-Whitney Differences 2 Non-Parametric
Correlation Relationships 2 Parametric
Correlation Relationships 2 Non-Parametric
For references – all that is required is at least two references supporting the fact that exercising is
important. They should be easy to find and integrated into the Introduction.
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Remember the following:
Each research question requires a correctly stated null and alternative hypothesis.
Any table, picture, or figure presented in the results must be discussed in the Discussion section.
Tables should be reformatted to AMA specs.
This report need not be long. A simple straightforward narrative is all that is required. Only
provide tables and figures that address the research question and other statistical considerations
(i.e. distribution normality).
Pay particular attention to the proper labeling, captioning, and formatting of tables and figures.
The format of SPSS tabular output will need to be modified once the tables have been transferred
to the Word document.
There is a rubric associated with each portion of the research report (located in the
instructions folder). Refer to that to determine point allocation and specific required
components for the assignment.
The Research Project paper must include:
Cover Page:
Title, author, contact information, and affiliations. Submit as part of the Introduction
The title should include the variables being studied. This could be accomplished in as few as 9
words-though more or fewer might work.
Introduce the research problem and provide background information on the research problem.
The introduction does not need to be lengthy. Include at least two relevant references.
Be sure to include the cover page.
Describe the methods used for analysis and why they were used.
Use convenience sampling as the sampling method.
Remember to use past tense-the report is written as if the study has already been conducted.
Be sure to include any tests for normality and other assumptions if indicated.
Also include the null and alternative hypotheses to be tested.
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The methods section should be written in such a way that a reasonably knowledgeable
reader could replicate the study by following the methods as written.
In this section, present your results.
Keep in mind that any table or figure presented in the results must be discussed in the discussion
Therefore, it is best to only present information directly relating to describing the sample and
addressing the research question and hypotheses, data normality, outliers, etc.
Each table and figure must be correctly labeled and captioned, and there must also be a brief
sentence or two describing what is contained in the figure or table. However, do not provide
interpretation in the results section, as that is done in the discussion section.
In addition to the Word document containing formatted labeled and captioned results the
unedited SPSS output from which your results were derived with a current SPSS date/time
stamp must also be submitted.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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