Recession, Inflation, Unemployment, Growth,….what does it all mean? Who Cares?


Recession, Inflation, Unemployment, Growth,….what does it all mean? Who Cares? Do You? Ends Sep 29
Must post first.
NOTE: This is an unintended duplication of the previous discussion topic. I will revise this and bring it to what it was supposed to be. For now, please do no participate in this discussion assignment. Concentrate on the “it’s the economy, stupid” forum. Thanks and I do apologize for this oversight. We are in the midst of a historic election–a former president running against a sitting president. In “your opinion,” what is the most important issue in the upcoming election? What do “you” pay the most attention to when hearing each of the two candidates talk?
As far as the economy is concerned, please select two macroeconomic valuables which you think are the best indicators of “your concerns,” and explain how you think each of the two presidential candidates has addressed them and/or planning to address them.
Please be respectful of everyone’s opinion. We can disagree and that is part of the beauty of the United States political and social structure. Respecting each others’ opinions, even when we do not agree with them, is also part of the beauty. Be respectful.
Voice your opinion and then respond to others, in a respectful manner. If you agree with one of your peers, expand and support their comments even more. If you don’t agree with someone’s opinion, explain why and provide alternatives.
In all cases, remember that your opinion is important but it is “your opinion.” Support yourself with research and cite sources that support your comments. Always cite these sources and never copy and paste.


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