Chart Review #2: Select a medical record from the Example Medical Records mod


Chart Review #2:
Select a medical record from the Example Medical Records module (located at bottom of the Modules page) and review all documents within the record. Create a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover on each slide that guides viewers through the patient’s chart. Submit your presentation as a PowerPoint file (do not convert to PDF as you will lose your voiceover).
Your PowerPoint must include at minimum:
Chart ID (use file name – if this is missing, I will not grade and you will receive a zero for the entire review!!)
A brief summary of the patient (demographics)
History of present illness
Information from progress notes (how did the patient’s hospital stay go)
Information from orders (what types of medications and other treatments were ordered)
Description of treatment given, including therapy and/or (operative) procedures
What did the pathology show if a specimen was removed?
Was the patient discharged to home or another location? 
What was the final diagnosis?
Your voiceover must add substantial information beyond what is on the slides – do not read directly off the slides as you will lose points! If your presentation does not include voiceover, you will receive a zero!


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