please respond to Amara with 150. words I definitely believe that freedom of spe


please respond to Amara with 150. words
I definitely believe that freedom of speech is eroding under the 1st Amendment in today’s society it has become a threat due to how many people discuss the various factors including social media censorship. The video discussed how private social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter have the power to remove content and even ban users of these platforms, including elected official like former President Trump. Even though, they stated the First Amendment protects against government censorship, it does not apply to private companies that can lead to concerns about unelected individuals having the power to restrict speech. But this definitely does show government surveillance and control over the public’s speech and form of communications in social platforms. It’s an unfortunate and sad situation that there are many states that are introducing bills that would restrict specific topics that teachers are allowed to say in a classroom setting and what they cannot say. They are even banning books in schools which the video states about difficult historical topics like the holocaust and slavery. It blows my mind! The control they take away from our own historical past that we need to remember for our future generations is insane to me because we will have to work extra harder to teach our children our history.
I also believe that the rights imposed by other Constitutional Amendments are eroding. The 2nd Amendment which is our right to bear arms, doesn’t directly apply to these rights. However, due to the focus being more on the 4th and 8th Amendments, the court’s constitutional rights suggested that the 2nd Amendment rights may be violated gradually over time. The 4th Amendment which is our protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, does apply to how it has been eroded over time through court decisions that have narrowed its reach and protection of our rights. One example for this would be a general trend of the courts substituting their own interpretations of the 4th Amendment protections rather than standing by the original Amendment’s text and limits of governing power. The 8th Amendment which is our right to prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment, does apply to how the court systems have grappled with the meaning and process of the 8th Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual consequences. One example that is ongoing of this debate is what standard should be used to determine if a punishment is unconstitutionally cruel and whether the death penalty violates this right. This is a highly important matter that is ongoing and in need of scrutiny and debate and hopefully we will see the full extent to this issue and how we can be better prepared for the future of our communities.


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