Set Intersectionality Hierarchy Implement a program in C to calculate “intersect


Set Intersectionality Hierarchy
Implement a program in C to calculate “intersectionality hierarchy” for an arbitrary set of sets.
Extend program 2.42 set implementation to rank elements by membership in multiple sets.
See the Venn diagram and example output below.
Our Universe will consist of the following set of common household pets:
Universe = {Bat, Cat, Chimp, Dog, Fish, Liger, Snake, Turtle}
Also, use the 32 bit universe as defined in the source code.
Must work with the intersection of any arbitrary quantity of at least 3 sets. Each set will consist
of an arbitrary elements from the 8bit and/or the 32bit Universe. Document and explain any
mathy things you do. I have not implemented this myself, so explain to me what issues you ran
Thoroughly test with a variety of input values to demonstrate that your program works. Shown
below is minimal sample testing… you should do and submit proof of much more testing than
1) Source Code.
2) Output
Sample Output
Set A: { Bat, Cat, Dog, Fish }
Set B: { Cat, Chimp, Fish Liger }
Set C: { Dog, Fish, Liger, Snake }
(A union B union C)
Intersectionality Hierarchy Ranking
Rank Elements
3 Fish
2 Cat, Dog, Liger
1 Bat, Chimp, Snake
and a few more example tests with several example using more than
three 32-bit sets.


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