PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING POST OF A CLASSMATE IN 100 WORDS, Remember that your posts must be substantive and contribute to the dialogue that is taking place and Response posts must offer at least TWO new piece of information or insight.
Classmate Post:
1) Do you think teamwork can have negative consequences?
There are many scenarios in which teamwork can make work, in general, challenging or even strongly negatively affect the workflow. We all can relate to this one example that we have experienced at some point in our educational journey. When people are assigned to work in a group, they tend to put most of the workload on other people because they will not be praised or evaluated on their individual contribution but on the group project. Because people are not evaluated on individual efforts, productivity might decrease due to the fact that some individuals do not help with the overall effort. If teams are getting along too well, they are also able to reduce their overall efficiency because it will cause them to be focused on other things. These teams would be more focused on being social than on being productive. Also, teams can suffer from poor communication, which can contribute to a low-performing team because team members are not communicating correctly. In a high-performing team, all team members will need to be informed of all the information they need to be effective. If it isn’t clear who is leading the team, there might be a struggle with power dynamics, which negatively affects the productivity of a team because there would be an internal conflict. Therefore, some of the capabilities will be used to try to resolve this conflict. This would make the team less productive because of the power dynamic issue. 
2) What can a leader do when a team lacks synergy and the collective whole is not greater than the  sum of individual parts?
As discussed in the last question, there can be numerous reasons why a team functions better when the individuals work by themselves rather than in a team.  For a team to function at its best, it is important that the common communication is highly functional and effective. This means that people can have honest and open conversations about the problems and solutions that are supposed to be handled by the team (Brigden, 2024). When the goal of a team is not specifically defined, it is unclear how the team will be able to achieve their teams’ goals. Therefore, creating a collaborative goal that can be accomplished by a team effort in the best and most efficient way possible is necessary to become a well-established and deficient team (Brigden, 2024).  All the team members will need to know what the goals of the team are because, without that, the team is not going to be an effective and efficient team (Brigden, 2024).  When a team is successful, it is important for the team to engage in a team effort celebration because this will make the team connect and show them that together, they can accomplish their goals and be successful (Brigden, 2024).  A team leader should engage in all these efforts so that he can facilitate a caring and efficient environment by creating an effective team that is going to, therefore, be more successful.
Brigden, B. (2024, March 4). Leadership and teamwork: 10 ways leaders can help their teams. Teamwork Blog. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from


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