You will create a chart in each software program and copy them both into 1 word


You will create a chart in each software program and copy them both into 1 word document and describe they two different charts you create. 1. Import data into SPSS and create a Histogram (follow instructions below to get to SPSS, and then detailed instructions on how to create a histogram). 2. Then create a frequency table followed by a bar chart in EXCEL (instructions below)
For both of these activities you will use the same dataset (file) – Exam Scores (in excel). To ensure you have EXCEL and SPSS, please follow the instructions below: 1. You will be using MS Excel. DataFile: Download the excel file and open it on your computer. How to Create a Histogram in SPSS
Save the excel file to your desktop or computer (make sure you are able to find it again – this is important). Once you have SPSS open through the VPN access – you will need to import the excel file. In SPSS – go to –>File–> Import data –> excel – find your file, and then click OPEN (you should now see your data from excel in SPSS)
NEXT – You will create a histogram in SPSS… Go to Graphs -> Legacy Dialogs –> Histogram –>then move Exam 2 to the Variable box. Then hit Continue and OK. This will open a new file with your output – a histogram of your exam data
Once your histogram is created, highlight the box around the histogram (it should be yellow when you select it). Copy the entire box, and paste it into a word document. Save the word document with your name to Submit. Then go back to EXCEL to complete the following:
In excel – sort the exam scores from low to high. Then, create a frequency table of exam scores, with either 5 or 10 point increments. Follow the instructions on pages 7-10 of textbook. Finally, based on the frequency table, then create a histogram or bar chart. Copy and paste your bar chart or histogram into the word document as well. –
LAST STEP: After you have both charts (histogram & bar chart) copied into 1 word document, please describe the dataset based on what you see in your charts. Are they the same? Different? why? –> SUBMIT 1 file with charts from both SPSS and EXCEL and description of data


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