Task summary: You are to watch a short film and answer the question Full order d


Task summary:
You are to watch a short film and answer the question
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,please write
1. Please watch the “The Year of Paper” video clip, the short film that opens when you click thelink to the Chapter 2 video clip “The Year of Paper” under “Chapter 2.” (You may see othertitled films when you close it. Those are for the other chapters. So, you don’t have to watchthem yet.) Discuss at least one of the following question sets. Your comment to the questionsmust be at least 400 words in length. (3 points).
What historical event or fact introduced in the video clip surprised you? Why? How has themeaning of marriage changed throughout history?The film is available in client’s library. Log in details upon acceptance
Please use VPN for USA while entering to CL’s library.


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