Please watch the videos, then follow the instructions to fulfill my order. Stude


Please watch the videos, then follow the instructions to fulfill my order.
Students should revise the sections that were reviewed in class and complete the ethics section of the paper. The following sections should be completed with a review of the lecture notes from class.

1. Ethical Handling of Qualitative Data (secondary data)
2. Ethical Handling of Quantitative Data (primary/survey data)
3. Ethical Handling of Sample (how you will handle the sample)
4. IRB Protocols ( How you will ensure that the guidelines are upheld)
Complete the sections listed with clear sub headings to label each address. Students should attempt to select the theory that was discussed in class, define the theory with documentation, and discuss why the theory could assist in assessing the problem and the variables in your study.
Students will review the important role that ethics plays in handling research samples and in handling qualitative and quantitative data. Students will have to use both types of data in the research study and will have to discuss how they were ethical in their study. Examples are clearly provided below.
Ethics is very important is critical in every industry. Why is it important to be ethical? Ethics can sometimes be comfortable to discuss but in research it is vital. Review the YouTube video on the important role in plays in firms. We will be expanding this discussion to how we should handle surveys, people and data in ethical research.

Students will have to include some key issues in their address of ethics in their research paper.
Students will have to address the following: ethical handling of sample, ethical handling of the qualitative research, confidentiality, privacy and anonymity. The YouTube video below highlights some important issues. An example of how the main ethical issues has been provided below.
Why is Ethics Important in Research? -Students must understand the important role of ethics in a research plan or design

Students must be aware of the issues that researchers must address when samples are used in research.
In the current study students will have to use both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data will come from the surveys that will be collected in the field. Students will be instructed on how to develop a Likert-type survey which will be used in the collection of primary data. Students must be educated about the protocols that must be followed in handling samples and data.
The following slides will be reviewed to address IRB issues and key ethical issues regarding research studies. (IRB is an institutional review board that consists of individuals in an organization who approve any research that has to be done at the company.
Students should be aware of the issues that impacted populations and how the past has impacted the future of studies conducted in some samples.
How to address Ethics in your Research Paper.
Students must discuss the following elements:
1. Ethical Handling of Data
Journal Selection
Documentation of Sources
Ethical handling of primary data
Data manipulation
2. Ethical Handling of Sample, must involve the following sub sections
Full Disclosure
Students must develop a full paragraph for each of the section and sub sections listed above.
Ethics Section of the paper
In this section of the paper students should address the following sub sections”
1. Ethical handing of sample (people in the study who you will be giving a study)- Discuss how you will treat the sample in your study. You must state that none of the participants will be under the age of 18 (no participants will be of diminished autonomy), no seniors or prisoners will be used in the study and that there will be full disclosure to the participants (address any of their questions or concerns0
2. Ethical handling of qualitative data – discuss where you will be getting your sources, databases, and how you will consistently cite your sources to ensure that credit is awarded to the original authors.
3. Ethical handling of quantitative data
Students must use the highlighted sub headings to discuss the highlighted areas of the paper. Example:
Ethical Issues
In research methods, there are many potential ethical concerns that need to be addressed and remembered throughout the process. The researchers acknowledge that a large amount of information needed to conduct the current study will be found within secondary sources. When using data found within these sources, the researchers will be sure to appropriately cite and give credit to the authors of said sources. Any individual contributors to the current study will also be acknowledged (if consent is provided to do so) and treated in an ethical manner; especially in regards to privacy and confidentiality of personal information, including full name, date of birth, pay rate (if applicable), and other personal factors. The researchers recognize consent by the definition provided in the journal Legal and Ethical Issues in Research, as “…a subject voluntarily confirms his or her willingness to participate in a particular trial, after having been informed of all aspects of the trial that are relevant to the subject’s decision to participate.” (Yip, et. al., 2016) Payment in any form will not be issued in order to maintain neutral, accurate, and fair research information; and to prevent favoritism and negotiation of higher payment in exchange for participation and information.
Ethics and Sample Handling
An important factor for the researchers that help categorize the study as successful is the reliability and validity of the information and findings. The research team consists of two students; William Burton and Nicole Moccaldi; both educated in research practices by St. Joseph’s College, with the assistance of secondary sources and additional research. In order to gather the primary data necessary to support the research topic, the researchers will create a survey format in order to collect accurate, precise, and very specific data that will contribute to the study. The survey tool will consist of specific questions based around the five X variables (mentioned in Figure 1 above), as well as how the subject would rate their overall stress and current feeling of burnout. Subject data, when completing the survey, will be kept anonymous within the body of the current study, and it is expected that all researchers keep the subjects’ personal information confidential as a best practice method. All of the information collected will be held confidentially and demographic questions on the survey will be kept to the bare minimum. All of he participants in the study will be over the age of 18. No participants will be of diminished autonomy. Everyone will be treated with respect and the all questions asked by the participants will be addressed. Ethics and Quantitative Data
Each researcher will be responsible for collecting survey data in order to obtain information from more than one industry and geographical area. This is to avoid generalizing burnout to a limited population with similar walks of life and interests. With collecting this data comes carefully sorting, editing, and tying together the different sets of information; which will be collected in a Google Sheet shared with both researchers. Once all of the results are entered into the Google Sheet, a visual representation will be created by the researchers to show what percentage of this portion of the workforce feels burnout and what factors contributed. From this representation, a conclusion will be formed and an analysis will be conducted on how detrimental burnout can be for companies as a whole.
Ethics and Qualitative Data
The researchers will follow all of the above mentioned guidelines, along with others suggested by the IRB resource. Privacy and confidentiality will be ensured throughout the research process by implementing the policy that individual researchers are responsible for protecting privacy rights of surveyed individuals and preserving confidentiality of obtained data. (IRB, 2016) In doing so, the researchers will respect the following definitions of privacy and confidentiality: “Privacy means being ‘free from unsanctioned intrusion’ and confidentiality means holding secret information relating to an individual, unless the individual gives consent permitting disclosure.” (IRB, 2016)
Ethics in Research Paper
1. Confidentiality.- mention that all of the information collected will be held confidentially.
2. Anonymous – All of the sample will be anonymous (no names displayed on surveys)
3. Data Handling – students must discuss how they will be documenting sources in APA to avoid plagiarism. (All sources documented in APA format)
4. Sampling Handling – Students must discuss how they intend to handle the sample (respect for sample, no deception, full disclosure, representative sample of inclusion)
Ethics in research example:
What are IRB’s (Institutional Review Boards)? The video below will explain


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