Introduce your essay by briefly stating your answer to the question and how you


Introduce your essay by briefly stating your answer to the question and how you will make it, sketching out the structure of your argument. Remember: an essay that does not answer the question set is not a proper essay, and an introduction that does not preview the answer given in the essay is not a proper introduction!
Develop your argument in a logical sequence of points, one main point per paragraph, introducing each with an appropriate topic sentence. This should signal the content of the paragraph. Your tutor should be able just to read the topic sentences of your essay and understand your argument in a nutshell. Topic sentences should therefore be argumentative and not descriiptive. E.g. “Further evidence that liberals do not believe that human nature is necessarily good is found in the work of X”, not “In Book X, Author Y says Z”.
Briefly conclude your essay by summing up the core argument. Check that it actually matches the introduction and the content of your essay. If you have argued successfully, the argument should be clear all the way through. If you are only making an argument in the final paragraph, you have failed to make an argument and must re-draft the essay.
Readings that the essay should be based on:
Essential Reading:
Waltz, K.N. (1979/ 2010) Theory of International Politics (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley), pp. 60-78, 88-99, 102-114. [TColl JZ1242.WAL] WHOLE BOOK ATTACHED

Further Reading:
Bessner, D. and N. Guilhot (2015) ‘How Realism Waltzed Off: Liberalism and Decision-Making in Kenneth Waltz’ Neorealism’, International Security, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 87-114.
Booth, K. (ed.) (2009) The King of Thought: Theory, the Subject, and Waltz. Part I: Perspectives on Structural Realism, International Relations Special Issue 23(2): 179-303.


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