INSTRUCTIONS Individual Assignment 1: Select a company (or case) and show how th


Individual Assignment 1: Select a company (or case) and show how the Triple Catalyst model could help it:
-stave off (delay, and/or protect from) competition
-survive a disaster/shock (consider COVID-19, or a major change in economics, or climate-related disasters – or a combination)
-go from good to great
-go from great to exceptional
Limit this to 3-5 pages of content, double-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font, excluding cover, table of contents, appendices.
Due Per HRC
Grading Rubric
Here’s some guidance as to how this will be graded – how you can earn points:
Structure, Organization, Ease of reading, Grammar: 2 Points
Did you write this to be easy to read? For example, have you avoided huge blocks of text with no headers? Did you use (sparingly but where needed) highlighting (bold, underline, italic text)?
Did you follow the structure of the sample Assignment 1?
Did you follow the advice given in the lectures and From Your Instructor about the format?
Did you follow rules of English grammar, spelling, and syntax? Did you fix errors pointed out via Word’s editing capabilities (e.g. squiggly blue or red underlined text)?
Content: 7 Points
Did you summarize the Triple Catalyst model?
Did you find an interesting organization? Did it come across that there was either a problem they were facing, or a chance for them to greatly improve what/how they were doing?
Did you inform the reader about the case so that you could discuss it intelligently with someone else?
Did you illustraete how elements from the mode (or the model itself) could make the difference? To…
-stave off (delay, and/or protect from) competition
-survive a disaster/shock (consider COVID-19, or a major change in economics, or climate-related disasters – or a combination)
-go from good to great
-go from great to exceptional
Did you make assertions, such as “this company was failing”, or “competitors were doing this much better”, or “this organization was considered a great (or poor) example of how to do (or not do) things”?
Did you provide numbers – percentages, monetary amounts, resources used, etc., to make your point, where possible?
References and resources: 1 Point
Did you provide at least 2 references to a business journal or scholarly source to support the assertions you made above?
Other things to consider:
Did you add value from your own professional and/or personal experience
Did you make appropriate use of figures and tables in an appendix? Don’t substitute quantity for quality here – one good, relevant, and meaningful small table is worth 100 randomly inserted graphs and charts.
Examples (for structure ideas, just to be familiar with what has been submitted – not to be copied of course)
The instructor will provide examples – for reference – for structure – not for copying.
Overall your Assignment should:
… be written as a managerial report, with an Executive Summary
…contais citations, related to assertions that you have made
…be true to the request of the assignment. Will a reader really learn how the Triple Catalyst model (MacKay, 2021) would help?
An Example (not for copying but for reference, strcture…):
see attached file..


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