In this unit, you will begin working on your persuasive essay for class. For thi


In this unit, you will begin working on your persuasive essay for class. For this assignment, you will write an introduction paragraph of 7 to 9 sentences, including the thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction.
Remember you must begin with a statement that hooks the reader, include supporting sentences that set up the issue you are writing about and your topics, and then end with the thesis statement.
Here is a sample introduction on cyberbullying in high school to give you an idea of how an introduction should be organized:
Cyberbullying through online platforms, such as Twitter, has become a growing problem that needs to be strongly addressed in public high schools around the country. Why, one might ask, is cyberbullying such an important issue? Cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone online. Often, that bullying may include sending messages that harass and intimidate another person through a medium that can mask the person’s identity. This type of behavior is not acceptable anywhere, but particularly within the school system because it promotes a negative educational culture and also can be harmful to the person being bullied. High schools need to implement specific programs surrounding the topic of cyberbullying that provide education on the subject, intervention for those being bullied or doing the bullying, and severe consequences for acts of cyberbullying.
See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. Submit your assignment by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 4.


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