Follow these steps for this activity: Compute a t-test for each problem. Create


Follow these steps for this activity:
Compute a t-test for each problem.
Create a word processing file with your findings embedded within the document.
Do not forget to provide your results in APA format.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Save your StatCrunch output file using the same naming convention that includes your first and last name, the activity number, and output in the file name. View the instructions (PDF) on how to create and download the output file.
Submit both the assignment and StatCrunch output document in Canvas. If you do not submit your StatCrunch output file, you will receive zero credit for this assignment. Note: you must download both the assignment submission AND the StatCrunch output document for all StatCrunch assignments in this course.You may be able to use Excel to complete as well.


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