attached are the book pages. please answer all questions. Week 6 Homework (50 po


attached are the book pages. please answer all questions. Week 6 Homework (50 points)
(10 pts) What is the difference between form of payment and financing? Name three examples of each.
(5 pts) Why might the seller prefer to be paid in stock and the buyer prefer to pay in cash?
(10 pts) According to your text, “Share-for-share deals yielded average excess returns of +14.5 percent to investors, while cash deals yielded +90.1 percent.” Why does form of payment make such a big difference in returns to shareholders? Name each reason and explain each one.
(10 pts) On page 577 in your text, a hostile tender offer of IBM to Lotus Corp using a “preemptive strategy” is presented. Discuss what might have happened—in detail—if IBM had offered a standard 30% acquisition premium instead of the 100% acquisition premium.
(10 pts) On page 693 of your text, it states, “In Basic Inc. v. Levinson, the Court said that the materiality of the news and the resulting obligation to disclose will depend on: 1) significance of the transaction to the company, and 2) probability of the transaction occurring.”Explain what this means.
Explain how a Toehold purchase disclosure protects investors.
Explain what disclosures are required to antitrust regulators.
(5 pts) Proper grammar, full sentences, correct spelling and punctuation, and a neat and professional format with clearly labeled answers are required.


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