(A Website about Electric taxi) 1.HTML basic elements such as paragraphs, spans,


(A Website about Electric taxi)
1.HTML basic elements such as paragraphs, spans, tables, divs, form elements, links.
CSS basic concepts such as text color, font, layout, etc.
Programmable Web services such as Leaflet, and plugins such as Google Maps, etc.
3.Inclusion of media elements (images, video, audio).
4.Navigation such as menus, carousel, breadcrumbs, etc.
5.Communication with users using validated forms.
It is imperative that you maintain the following qualities of your project:
1.The website is well structured (content is not overwhelming, and easy to follow).
The text is easy to read, and media (images, videos, etc.) are high quality.
3.The website uses colors that match.
4.The website is responsive (it accommodates different screen sizes).
5.The design is your signature design (it is not taken from an existing template).
You are going to make 4 submissions. The grade will be the average of all the submissions.
Submission # 1:
Basic implementation of the website (covers P1-P3).
1.The homepage should be implemented with its basic design.
2.The homepage should include images and video.
The homepage should have the styling of font, colors, background colors, CSS animation.
The website should have at least three pages (a homepage, and at least two side pages). The homepage should have links to the side pages.
Your website should include a form. The form should have several kinds of components (text fields, select elements, etc.)
4.You should use CSS padding, margins, and borders to style the page correctly.
Content (20%): The text is easy to read and suited for the website. The images, video, or audio
are high quality.
HTML Media (20%). The homepage includes images and video that are relevant to the content
and have an appropriate size.
Styling (20%). The styling should all be in an external file. You must style fonts, text colors,
background colors, and basic layout e.g. margins, paddings, etc. The colors also match.
Navigation (20%). There should two other side pages, and links to them from the homepage.
Form (20%) The contact form should have at least four components including textfields, textareas, combobox, checkboxes, etc.


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