The order is a capstone project for my MSc in Quality and Safety in Healthcare M


The order is a capstone project for my MSc in Quality and Safety in Healthcare Management. I am seeking your expertise in writing my dissertation, as well as preparing an academic poster and a reflective piece. I am eager to ensure that all elements meet the highest academic standards.
Attached to this request, you will find several important documents:
– First Draft of Dissertation: I have enclosed my initial draft to provide you with an insight into the work completed thus far and the direction of the project.
– Project Guidelines: This document outlines the specific requirements of the project, including structure, word counts for each chapter, and the Harvard referencing style to be used.
– Capstone Project Details: The project is a culmination of the six modules covered during the course, which are:
– Introduction to Quality and Safety
– Tools and Frameworks for Quality
– Leadership and Strategic Management
– Accreditation and Standards
– Clinical Governance
– Evaluation, Measurement, and Research
The final report should reflect an integration of these modules, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the principles of quality and safety in healthcare management.
The dissertation should include the following:
– An abstract summarizing the project (250-300 words).
– An introduction providing context, problem descriiption, rationale, intervention details, specific Aim and SMART objectives, and the role of myself and my team (1,500 words).
– A literature review presenting a synthesized critique of relevant literature (3,000 – 3,500 words).
– An explanation of the organisational development process, evaluation methods, and findings (5,000 – 5,500 words).
– A discussion and conclusion chapter, summarizing key findings, interpretation, limitations, conclusions, and implications for practice (3,000 words).
For the academic poster and conference abstract, please ensure they succinctly capture the essence of the project while adhering to the assessment criteria.
Lastly, for the reflection piece (1,500 words), I would like to present a critical analysis of my learning experience throughout the project, focusing on the practical application of the course modules to my professional growth and the project’s impact.
All references should be formatted according to the Harvard style, and appropriate appendices should be included as indicated in the guidelines.
Your prompt and detailed attention to this project will be greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to your professional assistance to achieve a successful and timely completion of my capstone project.
2 attachment
Thank you for your support.


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