Project Assignment 1: Packet Analysis with Wireshark Objective: To understand ne


Project Assignment 1: Packet Analysis with Wireshark
To understand network protocols, observe real-time network traffic, analyze packet data, and identify suspicious activities or security issues using Wireshark.
In this project, students will use Wireshark, a popular packet analysis tool, to capture and analyze network traffic. Students should demonstrate their understanding of various network protocols and their ability to identify potential security threats or anomalies.
Your Role:
Capture Packets: Set up Wireshark and capture network traffic in a .pcap file.
Analyze Packets: Analyze the captured packets, identifying different protocols used, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS, etc. Explain the purpose of these protocols in the captured network traffic.
Detect Anomalies: Look for any anomalies or suspicious activities in the captured packets. It could be a large number of failed login attempts, an unusually large data transfer, etc.
Report: Write a detailed report based on your analysis. The report should include an explanation of your findings and any potential security threats that were identified.
Project Assignment 2: Conduct a Mock Phishing Campaign with GoPhish
To understand the methodologies behind phishing attacks and learn how to create and execute a controlled phishing campaign using GoPhish. This project also aims to educate about the importance of user awareness in cybersecurity.
In this project, students will use GoPhish, a phishing framework, to execute a controlled phishing campaign. This campaign should simulate real-life phishing techniques and educate the “targets” about how to identify and avoid such attacks.
Your Role:
Planning: Plan your mock phishing campaign. Define your goals, choose a realistic phishing scenario, create a list of “targets” (you don’t need to actually launch the campaign), and prepare your phishing emails.
Setup GoPhish: Set up GoPhish on your local machine. Create a phishing landing page that simulates a legitimate website but captures user data when they interact with it.
Execute the Campaign: Send out your phishing emails to your target list.
Monitor Results: Monitor the results of your campaign in GoPhish. How many targets opened the email? Clicked on the link? Submitted data on the landing page?
Report: Write a detailed report of your campaign. The report should include your planning process, execution, and analysis of the results. Discuss what you learned about the effectiveness of phishing attacks and user behavior.
Note: This project involves sensitive activities. Make sure to get appropriate permissions and inform your targets about the purpose of this project to avoid any ethical issues if you choose to launch the campaign.


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