Carefully consider the planning and evaluation cycle (see Figure 11-1 on page 26


Carefully consider the planning and evaluation cycle (see Figure 11-1 on page 265 in your textbook). Start at the beginning of the cycle, and explain at what points in the cycle you would seek stakeholder involvement. Then, discuss two specific strategies for how you would facilitate their active involvement in the development of an evaluation plan. Be sure to align the strategies identified with the criteria for developing a good evaluation question.
Remember to cite any sources and refer to the FEM guidelines as you prepare your post.
Response Guidelines
Read and respond to your peers’ posts according to FEM guidelines, addressing the following:
Identify one of the four criteria from your reading (not chosen by your colleague) for developing a good evaluation question.
In thinking about stakeholder involvement in this process, discuss the relationship between this criterion and cross-culturally appropriate instrument development. That is, what are the benefits of a culturally appropriate evaluation question and plan? What are the detriments when the question and plan are not culturally appropriate?


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