1. Download Week 2  exercise narrative from Blackboard regarding Clinton Memori


1. Download Week 2  exercise narrative from Blackboard regarding Clinton Memorial Hospital
2. Reach a decision on whether the hospital and physicians were negligent
3. Explain your thought process through the 4 legal elements we just covered in this week’s reading materials and slide lecture- be thorough and refer to each of the 4 legal elements in your post in detail- post here on Blackboard
1. Review the facts on two cases found in Week 2 Slides/Lecture  (on slides 59 and 60) regarding defective x ray use and wrong medication.
2.  Reach a decision on whether the manufacturer is liable for damages in each of these situations.  Why or why not? Provide your detailed rationale, citing readings from the text, to support your decision for each of the two cases.  Provide a detailed written narrative.
3.  Include details regarding   your thought process applying the elements from negligence (slide 59) and strict liability (slide 60)  – document your thought process and the elements as you apply them in your detailed written narrative.


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