Directions: You will write an email to one of your professor about one of the t


Directions: You will write an email to one of your professor about one of the topics below. Your email may not include inappropriate phrases. Upload your email as a Microsoft word document.
Email Subject:
“You need a letter of recommendation for an internship or job application. “
Grading Criteria: Include a clear and concise subject line
Start with a proper greeting
Address the professor appropriately as Professor or Doctor
Include your name, the name of class you are in, with meeting days and times or include your name at the end following a closing remark
State the issue or concern clearly without unnecessary information Divide your email into paragraphs with proper spacing in-between (See example email in Carneige Mellon University Link on Canvas). Do not put the whole text into one big paragraph. Be written in a professional tone and style (i.e., with formal words and in sentences that are unified, coherent, and varied)
Be grammatically and mechanically correct. Express gratitude and include an appropriate closing remark


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