You will select your social issue for your applied final project in this course


You will select your social issue for your applied final project in this course this week.  This assignment is due in the drop box on Tuesday by midnight.  There are several important parts to include in this assignment. Please use these subheadings below when you submit your work to make sure you have included all important parts.  These subheadings below correspond to the rubric that I will use when grading your assignment. Please use these subheadings as you submit your assignment. I will place an exemplar AFP Part I in Week 2 content in LEO for your review that is formatted correctly. (It is also posted under Week 2 content.) Assignments that are not formatted according to assignment directions will not be accepted! 
Please see the attachment to the Week 2 Course announcement which is an exemplar AFP Part I.  These documents show what to shoot for in terms of formatting.  They are also uploaded under the course content.
Social Issue
Why This Issue?
What do I hope to learn?
Three social science disciplines that address chosen topic. Please include a write up for each discipline to explain how each discipline is relevant for your project:
You may select any three of the following:  Anthropology, Criminology, Economics, Geography, Gerontology, Legal Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Social Science, Sociology, or Women’s Studies.
Population of interest
By population, I mean that each social issue involves people.  What group of people do you want to examine that are most closely tied to this social issue?
Research question
Your question must be phrased as a question and must be appropriate and testable.
Please refer to your Research Methods class notes so you remember how to phrase a research question appropriately. You must demonstrate your knowledge of and training in social science research with the wording of your question.
I have also attached a document that guides students on how to write an appropriate research question. 
You do not need to identify a specific law or policy in Part 1, but you will eventually need to identify and link your social issue to policy, so keep this in mind as you work through the different parts of the project.
​​​​​​​Merton, R.K. (1949). The role of applied social science in the formation of policy: A research memorandum. Philosophy of Science, 16(3), 161-181.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Fuchsman, K. (2009). Rethinking integration in interdisciplinary studies. Issues in Integrative Studies, 27, 70-85.


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