In Week 1 you needed to complete the Hazard Vulnerability Matrix Worksheet to be


In Week 1 you needed to complete the Hazard Vulnerability Matrix Worksheet to begin the process in developing the HVA for Bobsville. Over the next 2 weeks you will utilize the Matrix to complete the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet (one worksheet for each type of hazard; manmade, technological, natural) (adapted from FEMA course IS559). This tool assists the Emergency Manager in determining the probability and severity of the hazard. The goal is to identify the hazards that pose the greatest risk to the community – for our purposes in this course we are using Bobsville. Should you not have any information available regarding a hazard, make that known in the cell associated with the hazard and item of consideration.
Keep in mind that the more meticulous you are the less problems you will have when you develop your EOP in EDMG220.
InstructionsDownload the EDMG101 HVA Vulnerability.xlsx. This contains a cover sheet and 3 blank tabs to fill–Natural, Technological, and Human.
Fill out your name and date on the cover tab.
Copy the hazards you identified in all 3 tabs from the HVA Matrix. Rate the hazard 1-5 in each of the column categories. The vulnerability index will be calculated from your inputs.
Add your first initial and last name to the filename. ie: AJones HVA Vulnerability.xlsx
Submit here in the classroom.


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