ACC 696 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview You have been asked


ACC 696 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric
You have been asked to write a draft press release to be reviewed by the public relations (PR) department, based on a recent SEC penalty incurred by the company.
Read the full scenario provided in the Supporting Materials section to write a draft press release summarizing the violation and corrective measures so that the public will continue to trust Oscar Brands after a recent fine by the SEC. Prepare an email to send the draft press release to the PR department so they can review it and update it for the company website.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Explain why it is important to manage public perception in the aftermath of the scandal in this scenario.
2. Explain how professional accountants have a duty to the public interest.
3. Summarize the violation and current situation.
4. Explain how leadership styles and ethics can potentially allow for accounting ethics violations related to this scenario.
5. Describe corrective measures taken by the company.
6. Explain why investors can trust the company and their financial statements.
What to Submit
Submit your professional email as a 1-page Microsoft Word document with single spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Supporting Materials
The following resource supports your work on this assignment:
Scenario: Module Four Activity Press Release Scenario
Use this scenario to work on your assignment.


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