Select a country that is located in Asia (there are 48 countries). Then, create


Select a country that is located in Asia (there are 48 countries). Then, create a PowerPoint presentation. If the file is too big please use Studio, YouTube or any other recording program.
1. Introduction
a. Name, flag, location, languages, independence.
2. History
a. A brief historical overview (major events that have shaped the country such as revolutions, invasions, wars, etc.).
c. An important historical figure (frequently appears on currency) or a famous person from the country (sports figure, movie star, political leader, etc.)
3. Government
a. Type of government
b. Current leaders
4. Geography
a. Major rivers
b. Major mountain systems
c. Climate
5. Demographics
a. Population (races)
b. Religion
6. Culture
a. Culinary specialties of the country
b. Festivals, celebrations
c. Cultural Do’s and Don’ts.
d. Any travel advisories from the U.S government
7. Tourism
a. Historical sites, or things you must do when visiting that country
b. Some unique or bizarre attractions (animals, music…)
Country Presentation Guidelines
Your presentation will be evaluated based on the following requirements:
· Length: Your presentation should be between 20-30 minutes long.
· Bibliography: You may follow MLA, APA or Chicago, but be consistent, list Internet sites alphabetically, and include the exact Web-site and the date the site was visited, with the objective being that the instructor could find any of the sources in order to validate those sources.
· Your bibliography must include at least 5 sources from different sites, and it should be your last slide.
· And the most important enjoy the project and make it fun!!


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