The finished review must be in typewritten form, double spaced, typed size 12 pt


The finished review must be in typewritten form, double spaced, typed size 12 pt. and Times New Roman font. Bold lettering is not acceptable. Cover page is required.
The Article “Sports Team Branding: Overview” discusses the issue of whether to change the sports team branding practices in the U.S. amidst the celebration of diversity and sports franchises in the country. Topics include the controversies over the use of American Indian tribe names as team names and the other components of branding like team mascots, logos, and fight songs or chants.. As you are reading the article take notes. After reading the article: Identify the author’s main argument in full context. And answer these questions:Do you agree or disagree with the author’s main argument? Why or why not? You will use these notes and answers as you are producing the first draft of Analytical Essay #1.


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