Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of the assignment is to help you practice the


Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of the assignment is to help you practice the following skills, which are essential to success in crafting an academic paper. 1) Identifying and effectively summarizing a primary source related to academic (and professional) inquiry. 2) Finding additional sources used by the primary source.
3) Tracing scholarship forward to identify additional sources that have added to the conversation of scholarship. 4) Reading and summarizing literature
Instructions: Using the attached article, please follow the steps below. Format:
Cover Page: Please include a cover page in APA format.
Headers: Please have a separate header for each section and respond to the questions directly. For the reflection, please use a header and then include an essay response.
Length: A complete assignment will be 2 pages long, not including cover sheet and works cited/references page. Works Cited: Include a separate Works Cited/References page at the end of your paper/submission.
APA Format: A proper APA paper will include page numbers, proper in-text citations, etc. Please follow APA format throughout your paper. Font: Preferably Times New Roman or other professional typeface in 12-point, double-spaced format. Tracing Backward:
First review and summarize the primary source (the Hunter & Rollins article). Be sure to include the question(s) the researchers were seeking to answer, and their answer(s) to the question(s) in your summary.
Do you think these researchers/authors were the first to explore this topic? If you were going to use a quote from page 271 of this source in a research paper, what would the citation look like? How would you use this source to find previous research on this topic?
What is the oldest source used by the primary source? Are there any journals that you see that are cited more than once? Are there any authors that are cited more than once?
Which sources cited by the primary source look as if they would be the most relevant to the specific research question?
Select at least one source from the citation list. Locate that source and compare it to the primary source —what is the relationship between the two sources?
Tracing Forward: Return to the original article (primary source).
Do you think this was the final word on the topic? How could you use this source to find more recent sources on the topic or research question?
Search for the original article using Google Scholar. Use the “Cited By” feature to identify at least one source that cites the original source. Compare the original and more recent source. Describe the connections between the two sources?
Reflection: What did this activity teach you? What did you learn about the importance of citations? How do scholars use citations? What did you learn about this particular topic? What was the most difficult for you to understand or complete?


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