Project 1 – Market analysis and technical need for AI monitoring of powerline gr


Project 1 – Market analysis and technical need for AI monitoring of powerline grid
Future increased dependence of electric power, such as broadening internet use and network hubs, coupled with electric car usage, will place an increased demand on the electric grid network. Given the age of American electric network, the fact the network is predominately above ground, earthquakes (California) and climatic changes, the risk to future outages needs to be quantified. The potential for fires, economic losses due to business shutdowns, loss of transportation and loss of life needs to be addressed. In addition, most internet, cable, and cell phone repeaters can and will crash and cause substantial losses. Finally, the potential for war with China or other entity, either overt or covert, presents a substantial risk. We are offering a system (3 issued patents) by which smart powerline sensors can be distributed that utilize AI to detect powerline losses, potential interruptions, means to smartly reroute powerline loads, means to intelligently distribute power in the home, and which can provide system telemetry to utilities and government to maintain system and/or mitigate system power loss and potential impact.U.S. patents 9,970,975 and 10,943,455. third issuing shortly. We seek determination of potential market value to power utilities, the public, and government entities. Go to to download and review patents to learn more. Powerpoint pdfs are available upon request.


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