Introduce yourself and describe your interest in program evaluation. Assess a pr


Introduce yourself and describe your interest in program evaluation. Assess a program evaluation case study by providing an overview of the purpose of program evaluation for your listeners, who are residents of your local community, your state, and interested subscribers across the United States. Assess the concepts and theories of program evaluation and explain how they drive program evaluation. Evaluate the differences between formative, process, impact, and outcome evaluations. Tell a story of a program evaluation to help the audience engage with the discipline. Describe 3-4 trends in society, economics, research, technology, government, or the environment that you think will impact program evaluation. These can be supported by citations to futurists, academic experts. If these are your ideas for trends, explain why you believe the change might occur. For each trend, project how you think the trend will change program evaluation. Support your projections, if possible, with scholarly references that explain how program evaluation changed in the past. Draft the 2000-2500 script, then produce the audio recording using Zoom, Kaltura, or the audio app on your smartphone. Length: 15 to 20-minute podcast episode, based on a 2000 to 2500-word script References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.


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