INSTRUCTIONS: The union wants to file a complaint with the NLRB. Write a 3-4 se


INSTRUCTIONS: The union wants to file a complaint with the NLRB. Write a 3-4 sentence maximum introduction, discussing the NLRA, the definition of an unfair labor practice (ULP), and where in the NLRA the employer ULPs are found. Then, complete the chart to show what ULP claim(s) the union will make and what the company’s defense to EACH ULP might be. (The defense is what the company will say to argue against the union’s claim. You must cite a company argument even if it’s weak. The company is not going to just let the union win, right?) Please put your responses in the chart and NOT in an essay.. Please make sure that you follow all directions. * The examples in row 1 of the chart use a UNION ULP. This is merely to show you how to complete the chart. When you, however, fill in the chart, remember you are citing EMPLOYER ULPs, which are not found in Section 8(b) of the NLRA. You must cite SPECIFICALLY where the employer ULP you are referring to is found. NLRA Section Citation. (ex. Section 8(b)(1)(A) Unfair labor practice claim(s). (ex. Coercion of employees by the union) What Facts Support the ULP (ex. The union rep. threatened employees who refused to pay dues to the union) Company’s Defense/Argument Against the Union’s Claim)
(ex. The employee is mistaken; the alleged threat was misinterpreted. Information about dues was given and it was explained to be voluntary; information is not a threat).
(Add as many rows as needed) Reference(s): Citations should be in an approved writing style format such as MLA, APA, Chicago style, etc.


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