In your slide show and video, be sure to explain the following: The parts of neu


In your slide show and video, be sure to explain the following:
The parts of neuron and what they do. You should include at least seven parts of a neuron in your descriiption. You will need approximately one slide to explain and illustrate parts of a neuron and what they do. Helpful Tip: Here is a good place for a graphic: a picture of a neuron. b. The electrical portion of the action potential. Your explanation should include the major ions involved, a discussion of the resting membrane potential, and an explanation of how the resting membrane potential changes to generate an action potential. You will need approximately 1-4 slides to explain this. Helpful Tip: Here is another good place for a graphic: a picture of a neuron that includes ions and ion channels.
The chemical portion of the action potential. Your explanation should explain how neurotransmitters bind to receptors, and how this binding action can change membrane potentials. Also be sure to explain how the chemical portion of the signal is both initiated and terminated, that is, how neurotransmitters are released from vesicles, and how neurotransmitters are removed from the synapse. You will need approximately 1-3 slides to explain this. Helpful Tip: Here is another good place for one or more graphics: pictures of terminal buttons with vesicles, synapses, and postsynaptic dendrites with receptors.


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