General points -paper is to be scored out of 20 -half marks are acceptable Speci


General points
-paper is to be scored out of 20
-half marks are acceptable
Specific points
-each of the 4 parts is worth 4 points
-the remaining 4 points are for writing and organization
Part 1 (4 points)
-descriiption of the crime prevention strategy that you have selected
-need to select 1 of the 3 CP strategies: developmental, community, or situational
-need to describe theoretical bases or key ingredients of strategy (general or specific)
Part 2 (4 points)
-brief discussion of the crime problem that you have chosen to be the focus of your crime
prevention strategy
-need to select a crime problem (specific or general: juvenile delinquency is fine)
-some details expected on the crime problem (e.g., latest statistics, recent trends)
-another key here is the theoretical connection between CP (Crime Prevention) strategy and crime problem; for example, SCP (Situational Crime Prevention) is highly specific, DCP (Developmental Crime Prevention) is often more general
Part 3 (4 points)
-two or three examples of relevant programs that show evidence of effectiveness in reducing
your crime problem
-these examples need to relate directly to the selected CP strategy
-some details on the programs expected (e.g., nature of the intervention, who or what the
program targeted, effectiveness demonstrated by % reduction)
-programs that emphasize CJ responses (police, courts, or corrections) are not acceptable
Part 4 (4 points)
-five research/scholarly sources that you will use in the research paper
-references must adhere to an established format (e.g., APA, MLA)
-links to internet sites without any details (e.g., author, date, title) are unacceptable
-if sources are old, ask: Is there a more recent source available?
Writing and organization (4 points)
-use of headings
-expression of ideas (clarity; no run-on sentences; writing succinctly)
-maximum of 3 (minimum of 2) double-spaced pages


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