First, read the document entitled Signing and Sealing Sub-Contractor’s Calculati


First, read the document entitled Signing and Sealing Sub-Contractor’s Calculations PDF (BER Case #11-1). Then visit the website for the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and review its Code of Ethics.
Once you have reviewed the document and the websites, consider whether the behavior of the construction-management design professional was ethical. Also, consider the many situations that a construction manager or design professional may encounter in which materials and ethics intersect. Think about what you have learned in this course regarding the importance of quality, specifications, materials, and methods, as well as how often design professionals are asked for their expertise for clarifications, design changes, and other construction document information.
In your initial post, address the following:
• Did the design professional behave ethically?
• If the design professional behaved unethically, did he do so knowingly?
• Do you have a personal ethical line in business that you will not cross under any circumstances? Describe.
Refer to your own professional experience and cite from the case document and the webpages of the NSPE to support your answers. (use 2 – 3 sources)
Part 2: Respond to the peer below(1-3 paragraphs; additional sources not needed) consider their opinions and then add your own thoughts to their conclusions. If possible, try to compare a situation that you encountered in the business world to one that a peer wrote about in his or her post.
Pier #1: Nathan
• Did the design professional behave ethically?
• Had Engineer A ultimately reviewed and stamped (approved) the skylight curb, at the very least, they would be in violation of Section II.2.b. – NSPE Code of Ethics which would have been unethical. Since engineer A was not in direct supervisory role for the skylight curb design and they did not have specific knowledge with respect to the skylight curb, this would be unethical. Stamping of the docs for which they are not qualified to review or design and/or that they did not create or directly supervise the creation of, is not only unethical but could be dangerous to any occupants of the building or construction crew.
• If the design professional behaved unethically, did he do so knowingly?
• Engineer A, having assumedly been registered as such, should know that this behavior is unethical, so it would be construed as ‘knowingly’ acting in an unethical manner. Ignorance does not absolve of wrong (that’s not to say circumstances could not be evaluated for consideration, however). 
• Do you have a personal ethical line in business that you will not cross under any circumstances? Describe.
• To identify an ethical line that one would not cross under any circumstance would indicate that there are some unethical lines that they would cross. Personally, I will not behave in a manner that would require me to compromise my integrity; in no instance would I ever put myself into a position where I may be accused of acting unethically or to be questioned by any governing board (contractors board for example) or in a civil or criminal action. Once you give up your integrity, you have nothing left that anyone you may have future business with will want, at any price. Your integrity is your greatest strength; it must be protected, especially when you’re wrong.  
Code of ethics. Code of Ethics | National Society of Professional Engineers. (2019).
To complete this assignment, review the attached  Discussion Rubric


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