Critical Thinking Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts Compared & contrasted terms. view


Critical Thinking Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Compared & contrasted terms.
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7 pts
Used two – three definitions. Content is thoughtful and scholarly. Use of the text is evident.
4 pts
Less than two – three definitions used. Minimal use of the text as a resource.
0 pts
No submission or minimal attempt submitted.
/ 7 pts
Identified definition that is most applicable to nursing practice.
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7 pts
Idnetified definition and applied fully to nursing practice.
4 pts
Identified term but didn’t fully apply to nursing practice.
0 pts
No submission or minimally identified the definition and/or applied to nursing practice.
/ 7 pts
Used key terms in the descriiption.
view longer descriiption
6 pts
Key terms evident in reflection.
3 pts
Minimal use of key terms.


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