This paper will be submitted to TURNITIN for grading. Please use OWN words and u


This paper will be submitted to TURNITIN for grading. Please use OWN words and use direct quotes with page numbers as proof from the attached source you will need to use for the paper. Write in first person voice/ narrative. PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS and use SOURCES GIVEN ATTACHED. Follow the rubric I have attached as well.
Week Russell Roundup / Critical Reflection
After completing this week’s assigned chapters of Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy as well as the other required readings, do the following:
First, briefly reflect upon your personal experience of reading Bertrand Russell this week. Did you find the reading easy? Difficult? Interesting? Confusing? What single statement of Russell’s did you understand the best?
Then, tie together any theories, themes, concepts, important ideas, or overarching arguments that you personally discovered in your reading in the Problems of Philosophy with the particular philosophical views and the general content covered in the other readings.
For example, in Week Two, you will be briefly summarizing your own understanding of Chapters V-VIII in The Problems of Philosophy. Write in the first person voice, describing how you did with the challenging concepts, etc.
Then consider how what Russell says links up with, adds to, or even conflicts with the philosophical views and ideas of John Locke. There will be plenty of material that will invite comparison and analysis. Be creative and candid. Tie it all to your experience to give your essay your individual stamp of originality. General summaries of the readings in Bertrand Russell will not be accepted. You may submit your “Round Up” as a file attachment or simply write it directly into the text editor, but it’s best to save your work in a file so you don’t risk losing it if your computer shuts down). Please pay careful attention to grammar, spelling, word use, and writing style; in other words, proofread your work before submitting it.
Quote Russell and Locke directly. Provide proper documentation (internal citations with exact page numbers, and a Works Cited, or References section, with retrieval dates).


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