Requirements : Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 poin


Requirements : Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 points [total].
Assignment prep and set-up for POV DB posts:
Review the POV DB Requirements [word count, etc.].
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. This DB assignment does not require a textbook citation. Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the point of view assignment prompt. Outside sources are not acceptable. POV DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 250-300 words total and solely based on the prompt.
Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 100 words each in length. Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information: Participants must create/post a thread in order to view other threads in each forum. Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing. Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box. Instructions: POV DB 1: Affirmation Station: You might be wondering . . . what in the world is an affirmation station?? Well, affirmation is a form of emotional support or encouragement! This prompt is all about empowerment! If you say it, you can be it! An affirmation station is you communicating who you believe you are to the world!What do I Do?Start your project by creating 6 positive affirmations. Think about some traits that you know are true about yourself. Create affirmations that make you feel empowered!
To create an Affirmation Station [see photo], the first thing you will need is a mirror. The mirror should be one you use every day. You will also need tape, paper, and something fun to write with! You do not have to produce “arts and crafts” level headers or affirmation cards. You may use notebook paper for headers and cards. The writing on the header and cards should be big enough to read! Creating your Affirmation Station: Begin your affirmation station by creating the “I am” header.
Next, create your six affirmation cards [examples: “Worthy,” “Heard,” “Loved”]
Once you have chosen the phrases you want to use, simply tape the “I am” header to the top of the mirror and the 6 phrases along the sides of the mirror. Focus on the header and the phrases. Then EVERY DAY during this class, look at and read OUT LOUD all of the wonderful things that ARE true about you before you “come” to class!
To complete this prompt, you will:Take a picture of your Affirmation Station! Upload a photo of your affirmation station. To post photos: Click on the “Insert” link above the text box.
Scroll down to “Image”
Click on “Upload” image
Do not post a link, media file, or document.
After you post your Affirmation Station photo, write up a [minimum] 250-word paragraph describing/explaining each of your affirmations. How does each of the affirmations make you feel more positive? More empowered? To submit your POV DB 1, you will:Upload a photo of your affirmation station. To post photos: Click on the “Insert” link above the text box.
Scroll down to “Image”
Click on “Upload” image
Do not post a link, media file, or document.
After you post your Affirmation Stationphoto, cut and paste or type up a [minimum] 250-word paragraph describing/explaining each of your affirmations. How does each of the affirmations make you feel more positive? More empowered?


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